Report, containing the revealed vulnerabilities and deficiencies, recommendations for their elimination. Estimated confidence level vulnerability analysis

Web app testing is the services list, which may include various software testing types.
Software code verification, performed while using static and dynamic analysis methods, is carried out at the creation stage and before launching the software. Errors in the program code may result in well-functioning business processes failure and may finally destroy or damage databases, for example.
The main analysis goals:
Identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the architecture.
Detect dangerous development approach.
Assess the revealed vulnerabilities.
Java, Java for Android, TypeScript, JavaScript, JSP, Scala, HTML5, PHP, Python, Groovy, Kotlin, Go, VBScript, Ruby, С#, C/C++, Objective-C, Swift, Visual Basic 6.0, ABAP, Solidity, PL/SQL, T/SQL, Apex, Delphi, COBOL, VBA, ASP.NET, 1C, Vyper, Perl, VB.NET, Rust.
JAR/WAR/EAR/AAR (Java/Scala), DLL/EXE (C/C++), APK (Android), IPA (Apple iOS), APP (Apple macOS).